Why You Should Give
1. It's a good cause! Investing in the education of our young people makes our community better. A good educational system attracts good people to our community which increases property values which helps fund our schools which produces better students who want to return to our community to raise their families. It's a cycle of excellence.
2. Many successful people find providing money for scholarships to be a payback for the education they received. Do you remember that great teacher who encouraged you to strive to be the best? Today's children need the same kind of support. Your contribution will help.
3. It's good business. The Dover City Schools Education Foundation, Inc. plans on providing recognition to our contributors in numerous ways. Supporting our youth provides your business with goodwill throughout our community.
4. It's a tax deductible.
5. Your contribution will stay right here in our community, helping our teachers and young people. Because the Dover City Schools Education Foundation, Inc. is a volunteer effort, there won't be costly administrative costs.
6. You'll be invited to attend special ceremonies involving distribution of scholarships to students and grants to teachers.
The Bottom Line
We need your help! Our goal is to build a fund balance large enough that we can make a significant contribution year after year toward the education of Dover children. With the financial assistance of community members, we can help teachers think "outside the box" and assist Dover students in their quest for higher education. We believe the Foundation's cause is a good one. Please join us in our efforts to enhance our community's future leaders!