Tax-deductible contributions to the Dover City Schools Education Foundation, Inc. can be made in several ways:
OUTRIGHT GIFTS: Cash or other assets such as securities, real estate, or other property.
DEFERRED GIFTS: Bequests, Life Insurance, Gift Annuities or Charitable Remainder Trusts.
INCREMENTAL GIFTS: Donations in planned stages over a specified period of time.
DEFFERED GIFTS: Bequests, Life Insurance, Gift Annuities or Charitable Remainder Trusts. In addition to cash gifts, donors can remember the Dover Education Foundation, Inc. as a beneficiary in their will and/or trust. Donors also have the option of naming the Dover Education Foundation, Inc. as a beneficiary on life insurance policies, IRAs, 401ks, and annuities. For more information please contact the Dover Education Foundation, Inc. at info@doverfoundation.com
* Gifts may also be made in memory of a deceased friend, relative or educator, or in honor of a living person or institution.
* Please remember that the Dover Education Foundation, Inc. is a 501 c (3) organization and all contributions are tax deductible depending on the Donor’s individual situation. You should contact your tax advisor for more information.
Contributors may also contact The Dover City Schools Education Foundation Inc. investment manager, Douglas Bambeck of Investment Partners LTD:
Douglas G. Bambeck
Investment Partners, LTD
419 W. High Avenue
P. O. Box 309
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Phone: 330-308-9707
Email: dbambeck@invp.com